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Comments for Laura Weinstein PhD Irish History | Irish Blog | Irish Expert Sat, 27 Jun 2020 23:58:20 +0000 hourly 1 Comment on Police Reform in Northern Ireland by Laura Weinstein Sat, 27 Jun 2020 23:58:20 +0000 Thanks for the heads up, I’m definitely interested in reading this!

Comment on Police Reform in Northern Ireland by James Sat, 27 Jun 2020 05:29:28 +0000 New book. Thought your organization might be interested in this.

Comment on ACI & 9/11 Conspiracy Theories by Laura Weinstein Sat, 28 Sep 2019 01:41:29 +0000 Thanks for your kind words, Barry.

Comment on ACI & 9/11 Conspiracy Theories by Michael Gilheany Fri, 27 Sep 2019 22:44:49 +0000 Well said, Laura. You are a very necessary truth-teller for our perverse times.

Barry Gilheany

Comment on The Irish Potato Famine was NOT Genocide by Piaras Mac Éinrí Tue, 24 Sep 2019 21:20:44 +0000 This is a really excellent post and lays this canard to rest – many thanks. It may not change the minds of the crazies in the super-green corners of Irish America, but it is balanced, reasoned and fair. Many thanks

Comment on Fascism in Ireland by Laura Weinstein Tue, 24 Sep 2019 13:32:30 +0000 I’ll bite one more time: Centuries of history do not dictate how something “has always been” or “always will be.” Countries change. Saying that because Ireland was a Catholic country for centuries, it will always be one–or its “soul” is Catholic–is ahistorical. There was, after all, millennia for which Ireland was not Catholic, right? The people had to accept Catholicism and integrate it into their lives; there’s no reason why the reverse process can’t happen. That’s like saying that because France was a feudal society for centuries, it will always be a feudal society. That type of analysis makes no sense.

History is a process of change: great powers rise and fall, like the Roman Empire and, in my opinion, like the United States. We had an age of absolutist government in Europe that gave way to the Enlightenment and ideals of natural rights and philosophy. It seems in many parts of the world that the ideals of the Enlightenment are currently being challenged–much to my personal dismay, but that’s reality.

So what I’m wondering from you–whoever you are–is why you don’t acknowledge the evolutionary process that happens throughout history?

To address some of your comments and the questions you pose that I believe aren’t entirely rhetorical:
(1) I cited the work of Madeleine Albright because she has a particular set of first-hand knowledge that most people don’t have, even other respected academics. She acquired that knowledge as secretary of state, when she met with many of the figures she discusses in her book. Have you read her book? In cases such as these, I think we can separate what she may have done in that position from her work as a scholar. That said, I also don’t think having done what you’re alluding to negates her authority or anyone else’s. I’ve also read books by Gerry Adams, Ian Paisley, and Hitler. There is value in their work, regardless of what they have done. (Before you ask: I also don’t personally have a problem with anyone performing, listening to, or enjoying the music of Richard Wagner, despite is odious antisemitism when he was alive.)
(2) I have not personally encountered antisemitism on the Irish left. If you would like to point me to some evidence of that, I would actually love to see it. Honestly. The Left has never been immune to antisemitism, and certain lefty American politicians exhibit it from time to time (see also: Ilhan Omar), but I haven’t found it in Ireland. Can you show me?
(3) I call you an arsehole on Twitter because I understand how social media operates. I don’t know if you’re actually an arsehole, although I find your messages here to be belligerent at best. How could I otherwise interpret a message that calls me clueless from the start? You disagree with my perspective, but I know what I’m talking about. I always wonder: why do right-wingers hate knowledge-producing institutions such as the free press and the academy?
(4) I’m sorry you feel like you can’t openly admire Trump at your job. I think that’s wrong, and I think the Left is wrong to punish people for any legitimately held conservative views. Now, I don’t think all views are legitimate. For example, Republicans want to lower taxes on the rich; Democrats want to raise them. That’s a reasonable policy difference. What to me is NOT reasonable is fear-mongering that Muslims want to institute Sharia law (either in the US or in Ireland)–that’s not a policy disagreement, that’s a conspiracy that stokes hatred against a specific group of people.

I’m not going to post this one to Twitter. But since I’ve attempted to address some of your questions, I hope you’ll answer mine.

Comment on Justin Barrett Hates Democracy by Anthony McIntyre Tue, 24 Sep 2019 09:53:07 +0000 Case proven Laura

Comment on Fascism in Ireland by Armchair historian Mon, 23 Sep 2019 19:48:39 +0000 You decline to answer my questions about (a) why you would cite the academic work of someone who calls half a million dead Iraqi children “worth it,” (b) the ubiquitous Jew-hatred found on the Irish establishment Left, or address the REALITY that Ireland – which you point out (correctly, in my view) is not presently Christian – was Christian for over 1,500 years, having been non-Christian for say only the last ten years (approximately .006% of its history since it was evangelised). Yet you somehow claim that the soul of Ireland is something OTHER THAN the very thing that defined its people and its culture unbroken for 99.994% of the last 1,550 years.

You call me a “jerk” and an “arsehole” on Twitter – apparently for daring to challenge your ideology – then get into a strop about ad hominems. Lol. I can’t determine whether you’re (a) cute, (b) a hypocrite, (c) unable to reason logically, or (d) lacking in self-awareness. My money is on c, since your articles suggest that you cannot distinguish mainstream conservatism and the centre-right from the far-right and fascism.

You write, “My Irish friends are doctors and social workers who live in 2019.” Well, if they are alive today, when would they live? In 1919?? Moreover, are you implying that their opinions about Irish culture and history are somehow more valuable, insightful, and accurate than those of an Irishman who drives a taxi, paints houses, solves trouble tickets, or delivers bread for a living? Because that’s how it comes across in your writing – as elitism.

And by the way – I’m not Catholic (although I do love Trump, as do many Irish social conservatives. Many are afraid to say so, however – or to openly express any political view whatsoever that diverges from the dominant Dublin 4 far-left champagne socialist narrative – for fear of being shouted down and smeared by some of Ireland’s fascist left-wing bullies – up to and including having their employers contacted by some of these leftist operatives in the hope of getting them disciplined, or even fired, for their political views).

Finally, you’re right – this discussion is a waste of time. But thanks for letting me set the record straight about Ireland’s soul, which is – and will always remain – its Christian heritage.

Comment on Fascism in Ireland by Laura Weinstein Mon, 23 Sep 2019 15:14:31 +0000 You’re a nationalist & Catholic ideologue. Good for you. I know lots of people like you, although they are mostly Americans in defense of Trump. My Irish friends are doctors and social workers who live in 2019. No amount of reality will persuade you that I’m right. Ad hominem attacks such as you deploy seem to be aimed at making me stop writing–will not happen. While I’m well aware of how long Catholicism reined in Ireland–even the so-called “devotional revolution” following the Famine, as described by Emmett Larkin–that’s not the state of affairs at present. For some reason, there are people out there who want to deny reality and impose their own version of it. But, you don’t own reality; you cannot bend it to your will.

I therefore find debating with ideologues, particularly ones who deploy ad hominem attacks, to be a waste of my time. It’s like an atheist debating a devout believer, or trying to change the mind of an antisemite who believes Jews are engaged in a conspiracy to control the world–no ground is gained.

Comment on Fascism in Ireland by Armchair historian Sun, 22 Sep 2019 09:37:33 +0000 Giving out about anonymous political discourse and characterising it as “fascist”? You really don’t know much about Irish history, which makes your attempts at revising it to suit your political agenda even more transparent. I’m surprised you don’t have some big tenured job at an Irish university or NGO given how much you seem to despise Ireland. I imagine that will happen soon.

Why are you citing a book by a woman who characterised half a million dead Iraqi children as “worth it”? What does that say about your value system? Are human lives – including dead children – a means to an end to you?

Judeo-Christian morality – otherwise known as the Decalogue, and the Western civilisation built upon it – is a very real thing and the foundation upon which all that you and your friends love – freedom to travel, speak your mind, buy what you want, read what you want, eat at interesting restaurants, vote for whom you want, marry whom you want – is based. Those who love the West and the Bill of Rights understand this, which is why they (including 90% of Orthodox Jews) voted overwhelmingly for President Trump – the most pro-Western, pro-Israeli president in living memory.

Oh yes, Fascists hate Judeo-Christian morality and seek to destroy it, in part by infiltrating it’s institutions – just like the Nazi dark occultists and their propaganda machine which spewed vile smears against rabbis, priests, and nuns in order to stir up hatred against traditional Judeo-Christian morality to destroy it and replace it with pagan morality. They planned to reign for a thousand years but succeeded for only a brief time. Speaking of pagan morality, please comment on the beating hearts procured in abortions and sold for research.

Since you are concerned with anti-semitism, you should write an article about the vile anti-semitism on the Left. Phyllis Chester is an expert in this area and even wrote a book on it. Have you read it? Have you ever written about the vile anti-semitism of so many Ireland’s heavily funded establishment left?

With regard to Church attendance in Ireland – this country was Christian for 1,500 years. What was mass attendance in Ireland in 1890? In 1930? In 1970? Yes it’s fallen off a cliff in the last 20 years. Curiously, however, it held together for the previous 15 centuries – where so many spilled their blood and lived lives of deprivation beyond contemplation IN DEFENSE OF THEIR CATHOLIC FAITH. Unless you are cursed with such myopia that you think that only you and your jet-setting mates with REPEAL jerseys matter – or that you are all so much better and more enlightened than the ancient generations of Irishmen and Irishwomen who came before you – how do you justify spitting on their graves? Oh I forgot – it’s so fashionable and “edgy” to despise the Catholic Church in Ireland today lol. Do your mates fly a Pali flag outside their office doors? Lol.

You underestimate both the intelligence and the Christian memory of Irish people, and their ability – suppressed at the moment for a variety of reasons – to reason morally, and to understand how and why they have been targeted and manipulated by the same neo-pagan forces that sought to destroy Europe in the 1930s and 1940s. It’s all about money and power for the Left, and never about the God of Abraham that the Irish revered and tried their best to serve through centuries of oppression and hardship. Keep spinning lady, you really think we are stupid don’t you.
